The Farm

The company has a model poultry farm known as Osiri Farm located at Ngegu/Osiri on your way to Golden Rays Hotel along Kendu-Bay Homa-Bay Road. The farm is a host to layer birds and goats. The goats at the farm are of a local breed because of their best chance of resistance and adaptability to the diseases and the diet of Homa Bay. The farm intends to upgrade through breeding to a more profitable cross breeds for meat.

The poultry farm has partnered with farmers through an outreach program of contract farming to complete the poultry value chain. In the program, contracted smallholder poultry farmers will be supplied with day old chicks, feeds, and supported with technical skills. In return the company will purchase the eggs and mature chickens from the farmers for onward branding, marketing and selling.

The eggs, spent hens and goats are sold locally within Homa Bay, however, Viking Agri-Venture Limited, intends to open a butcher shop and grocery store in the near future to sell a wide menu of farm fresh produce, food from the meats at the butchery and groceries. 60% of sales will be made at the butchery outlet while other sales will be done through restaurants, retail outlets, hospitals, and other walk-in customers.

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